How to make order from

To place an order from is easy. We have provided here with a guideline to assist you on how to place an order with us.

  1. 1Search or browse products, and if you wish to buy them, type a number in the quantity box and click "Add to cart". You can add just one piece item if you want. You can remove them later or adjust the quantities if you change your mind. Products you've added to your shopping cart are saved there while you looking at more items. Your cart is even saved for next time if you accidentally close your browser.
  2. 2Your shopping cart will show the estimated total cost and shipping methods for your order.
  3. 3The second checkout page is "Order Confirmation", allow you to review your details.
  4. 4Click "Confirm and pay" to create your order first and then be immediately directed to Paypal to complete your payment. You will receive an email confirming your order information.

We will begin processing your order when payment is received. After we send out your order,We will email you the tracking number and tracking links to your order email address.

  How to find the correct keyboard for my Notebook?

Step 1 Choose correct languages Keyboards
Step 2 Add Shopping Cart
Step 3 Confirm Order

The keyboards sold by our company are replacements, which can be used with certain products of computer manufacturers. Any referenced product names or trademarks of such companies is merely for the purpose of identifying the match between our keyboards and their machines. Our company and this website are not affiliated with, authorized by, licensed by, distributed by these original computer manufacturers, nor are these products (replacement) in our website manufactured by or sold with the authorization of any of such manufacturers.